
Being right-brained

Also found this discussion on a blogger site (damn you, next blog button!) Does this seem to ring true?

Right Brain Inventory

* Visual, focusing on images, patterns
* Intuitive, led by feelings
* Process ideas simultaneously
* Mind photos used to remember things, writing things down or illustrating them helps me remember
* Make lateral connections from information
* See the whole first, then the details
* Organisation tends to be lacking
* Free association
* Like to know why I'm doing something or why rules exist (reasons)
* No sense of time
* Have trouble spelling and finding words to express myself
* Enjoy touching & feeling actual objects (sensory input)
* Trouble prioritising, so often late, impulsive
* Unlikely to read instructions manual before trying
* Listen to how something is being said
* Talk with my hands
* Likely to think you're naturally creative but need to apply yourself to develop your potential.

It is because of the random nature of my dominant right side, I must make lists and schedules or else I can't seem to complete any tasks.

Left Brain Inventory

* Verbal, focusing on words, symbols, numbers
* Analytical, led by logic
* Process ideas sequentially, step by step
* Words used to remember things, remember names rather than faces
* Make logical deductions from information
* Work up to the whole step by step, focusing on details, information organised
* Highly organised
* Like making lists and planning
* Likely to follow rules without questioning them
* Good at keeping track of time
* Spelling and mathematical formula easily memorised
* Enjoy observing
* Plan ahead
* Likely to read instruction manual before trying
* Listen to what is being said
* Rarely use gestures when talking
* Likely to believe you're not creative, need to be willing to try and take risks to develop your potential


At 3/30/2005 1:32 AM, Blogger Elizabeth said...

Am commenting on my own post, to say this. I am apparently very right brained, and easily distracted as well. My committee chair is, as far as I can tell, left brained and very focused. I foresee possible issues on the horizon with my "touchy-feely" and generally unfocused approach to the entire process. As I am the one seeking the degree, these issues will be resolved entirely in his favor. This is the way the world works. I am at peace with that, and shall stop taking notes in the form of cartoons. No more Habermasian ships hitting the Cox iceberg for me.

At 3/30/2005 7:21 AM, Blogger Priya said...

I like cartoons. Have fond memories of Habermasian ship :-)
I thought H ship climbed on top of the Cox iceberg and then sank because of the iceberg melting as Cox discovered that there were no foundations after all (except maybe language, thanks to Witty). Then all floundered on the sea of meanings waiting for us to come along and reconstruct them.

I reckon I am a mix between right and left brains (see Gendered Brain post above) with all the bad characteristics of both being blended together. Said committee chair (same one, as far as I know) will prob tear his hair out and go mumble weird words at us but will hopefully also find it amusing :-)

At 3/30/2005 6:48 PM, Blogger Elizabeth said...

So the sea of meaning would be the equivalent of Wittgensteinian language? Does that imply that we can agree on the borders of language, but are unable to trace the quantum motion of particular terms?

Or was it that the ship hit the iceberg, picked up Cox (bc his foundations were rapidly melting away), and then deposited him on the shoals of neo-marxist analysis after Cox realized that the ideal speech situation was fundamentally impossible?


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