
Blogging Beginnings

Despite some wonderful suggestions (“Stinky Cat’s Prozac Emporium” and “Theory Sucks” come immediately to mind), we’ve decided to go with a pretty bland name for the blog. That way, anyone who reads it can fill our title with whatever meaning they like. And we’re definitely not ruling out Theory Sucks as one of those possible meanings. Even if it doesn’t work as a strategy for passing comps, it’s still a valid approach to the world of academia.

We’ll be getting started by posting the emails that led to this foray into the info-sphere, including long and overly complicated discussions of whether Foucault is a structuralist (consensus is currently no) and whether cream cheese is an essential part of danishness (also no, because fruit and an attachment to AC/DC are equally prevalent).

At least, that’s the plan. A genealogy of this blog, complete with digressions about the life of PhD students. We made an executive decision to remove the names, but feel free to guess about the people behind the nicknames, or suggest better ones.


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