
The Dinner Post

This is what happens when one is across an ocean when a famous professor visits TUWSNBN and gives a talk on why physics and IR are compatible. And, I have to listen to tosh like why the EU is a normative actor. Or could be. Or should (the people here have difficulties making up their minds). But, there’s always Elizabeth. So, here, in her words (with my Thucydidiean editorial stance applied) is the description of a dinner which followed. The participants were various professors, QuantumGuy and some students:

We talked briefly about Foucault, and the lack of phd community. Also StructureMan, and TUWSNBN institutional politics. This was before dinner. At dinner (which was very good--lasagna, ham, mashed potatoes, etc.) we talked about Ohio, etc. it was more like where are the worst places to live in Ohio. But there was some discussion of OSU environmental research, so I guess that's okay. Also, LOTR and Star Wars were mentioned occasionally, but X put rather vehement cabash on that. Okay, so, QuantumGuy is a nice guy, friendly conversation, etc.

And then Weberman changes the subject.

Asks QuantumGuy to talk about his current project. And all hell breaks loose (in a very polite way, of course). Turns out, QuantumGuy is writing a paper on UFOs. You know, the flying lights that people see and nobody talks about? And he wants to publish said paper in APSR. So I'm thinking no big deal. I mean, yeah, it's UFOs, but according to QuantumGuy the point of the paper is to talk about the inability of governments to do a study on them because, if there are UFOs, then all that Weberian monopoly of force stuff goes out the window. Also, the intellectual elite has done bad science by turning a deliberate refusal to know what UFOs are into the belief that they definitely aren't aliens.

And anyway, who really cares if there are aliens. [but there already are aliens. At least in the literal sense of the term. Foreigners = aliens in the United States. Possibility of paper on the links between discourses used to represent foreigners as aliens and extraterrestrial beings as aliens?: Priya]

Apparently, aliens are also some sort of class issue. Because several people at the table are (despite a fondness for sci-fi) distinctly uncomfortable with the whole project. And they argue about it. A lot. For a long time. Much conversation, which I will not repeat here.

I sit there, bc, again, I don't really see why it's such a big deal. Which is fine, I think. Besides, the entertainment possibilities of a paper about UFOs at the ISA do not escape me [me too. We have to go to that one: Priya].

More discussion of UFOs. And, eventually, religion. At this point I do weigh in, bc there's an assumption made that evangelical christians cannot believe in UFOs bc of the bible. Which is completely wrong, and insulting of pretty much everyone who isn't an agnostic intellectual. And so I said so. Politely, of course.

Anomie also had interesting things to say about why governments don't study UFOs. TheoryGuy mostly said things about how much the government and religion suck. And some stuff about theory. So that takes us up through coffee, and just before QuantumGuy and TheoryGuy decide to go out and get a cigarette. I go too, bc it's warm in the house, and bc, you know, it's QuantumGuy.

[Email ends here. Leaving me in utter impatience and wanting to find out what happened. Had to wait till the next day: Priya] {That was deliberate. E}

Anyway--promised rest of the QuantumGuy experience, and thought I'd give you the treat of waking up to it.

So, part of group (me, TheoryGuy, QuantumGuy) trek outside while conversation continues inside. (WeberMan joins outside group eventually, I suspect to make sure that TheoryGuy and I didn’t kidnap QuantumGuy). I try the unobtrusive bit some more, but am outed when QuantumGuy says, "Elizabeth, I noticed you were very quiet during our discussion of UFOs" or some such comment. Damn. It is hard to be stealthy when you weigh 200# and are wearing a bright red shirt. Now I know the reason for academic dress code.

You know where this is going--yep, straight for class issues. bc my answer had something to do with not being bothered with whole UFO study project, and not thinking that any non-academics would care that much. No, I didn't care. I now have a major theoretical crush on QuantumGuy, and so am less careful of the words that come out of my mouth.

TheoryGuy interjects with some class solidarity (we now have the same background, which is news to me, but whatever, maybe I'm being classist). and I almost manage not to smirk. Almost. I think I did, a little, and it's possible that QuantumGuy caught it. This is not the sort of nuance that can be conveyed via email, so remind me to run through this all again when you get back.

Pretty sure WeberMan joined us soon after this. Some discussion of how much the "right" hates academics and science in general. By the right, pretty sure WeberMan meant "working class" bc he grouped a bunch of stuff together from earlier. let's just say he meant "uneducated" and the kids in my old neighborhood would kick his ass for it. so I objected, bc this is what I do. said that, although I hate to "problematize" (FYI-problematize not a word) the issue, that a lot of hate for science and intellectuals is tied very tightly to jealousy and the desire to have education and be able to use it--minor, but I think important. although thinking about it later, have decided that the desire is not education for self, but children, which is something slightly different.

So, not about IR, but at least not stupid. QuantumGuy did not so much talking here, bc I think he was trying very hard to listen. Or something. More conversation, in which possibility of odd projects in IR was discussed, as well as the career suicide of signing on to UFO idea before gaining tenure (which had already been brought up, but holds a very important place in this particular group).

[I stood under only drip from roof, and ended up having to move. also did strange leveling thing which I didn't realize until later--in boots, I'm possibly a bit taller than WeberMan (or the step was uneven), and was up on step to QuantumGuy and TheoryGuy standing in sidewalk, so actually stepped off stoop and half into flowerbed in order to not be taller than everyone else. wouldn't have noticed later, except I did something similar talking to GenealogySpice earlier bc I am about a head taller than her. Shall have to ponder the possible meanings of this motion.]

Went back in, reconvened, and QuantumGuy apologized for not listening more to our projects--meaning TheoryGuy, Anomie and me. I think I threw in usual off-the-cuff remark about not minding the break. generally used my sarcastic / lighten the mood attitude for whole night, so have now come across as shallow twit. but hey, who cares--never going to finish phd anyway, so have no need of recommendation of QuantumGuy. Then cab came and everybody went home, more or less. [Am still rather confused about what going home, "more or less" meant: Priya] {there was more discussion, and some flailing about on the floor, but I figured you wouldn't be interested after QuantumGuy took off. Also some discussion of the relative anonymity of superhero names. And the now standard discussion of why the phd program sucks. Hence, the evening was over, more or less. E}

Another “cut” of the same dinner:

Anyway, the QuantumGuy dinner went great, as you've probably already heard. He was incredibly nice....and even asked us what we were working on. Well, he was getting ready to leave, so we didn't really have time to talk about it, but still. His UFO paper sounds great, and it's actually not as crazy as we all thought. Makes perfect sense: he seems to be arguing that there are certain taboo subjects, like UFOs, that we hate touching upon, and that there's this weird process of having ignorance pass as knowledge about something. Then he talks about why states refuse to talk about UFOs: challenge to the sovereignty system..etc.


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