

Yes, I know that I missed TLAPD. In my defense, I did know that it was going on. I was just too busy talking like a pirate to post a blog entry. As penance, I offer this link to a pirate translator for your blog (or any other website in need of) translation. I particularly like the White House Official Site in piratese:

President's Remarks t' the Travel Pool in Louisiana

President Bush on Tuesday said, "The reason I've come with the Mayor and Admiral Allen be because I want the people t' know that thar's progress bein' made in this part o' the world. (AAARRHH!!!) ... (Bloody landlubber!) 'n what ye're beginnin' t' see be a revitalized economy. (Be ye ready to walk the plank?) ... (Sail ho!) Thar's still a lot o' work, but they're makin' progress."

President's Remarks at G'rner's Commission Briefin' in Mississippi

President Bush on Tuesday said, "...I really appreciate all the citizens who have agreed t' take time out o' yer busy schedules t' help plot the strategy for the future. (Man the guns, ye cowardly swabs!) It's really important, it's really important 'n thar's nay doubt in me mind that out o' the rubble 'n out o' those huge heaps o' timber that used t' be homes, a better Mississippi will emerge."

President Ahoys Prime Minister o' Thailand t' the White House

President Bush on Monday said, "... (Arrgh!) I do want t' thank the Prime Minister 'n 'is Majesty for sendin' relief supplies t' our folks that have been affected by Hurricane Katrina. (Aaarrhhh, me parrot!) This good country has just come through a tsunami, 'n they're on their way t' recovery 'n yet they were able t', through their -- because o' their generous hearts, clipper help. (AAARRHH!!!) 'n so thanks very much, 'n please thank 'is Majesty for 'is generous contribution t' the folks down thar."

Is it just me, or does he sound better this way?

Feel free to add your own suggestions in the comments.


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