
I can't paint, either

I've been told that networking at parties is an art form. I'd like to mention that I never was any good at art.

(Email exchange after TUWSNBN reception at the Big Professional Conference last night. I'd like to make it clear that Priya talked me into attending, as the required representative of the new I and B. She had the excuse of needing to catch a bus.)

E: hey, you know the only thing more awkward than the TUWSNBN reception? meeting a new prof and then having to ride most of the way home with him on the Metro. I only have about 20 minutes of chatting, and then I start to babble. the trip is 30 minutes, and I'd already been at the reception for 45 minutes.

I can't even spend that much time talking to people I know.


P: nah. i'm sure he was fine. details! details! let me know what went on...who was this prof? at TUWSNBN? new person?

E: yeah, new prof (as in defended his diss last spring) on a contract. he gave me his card (I didn't laugh. well, not much) [E: He seemed nice enough. Have to work on that profs at happy hour idea. Much better way to find out what people are like than standing in a room trying to be both professional and friendly at the same time. There must by people who can manage both, but I'm definitely not one of them.]

P: hehe...card. just the notion of them amuses me now. don't know why. it just does.

E: me too. will now have problems forever, because every time I give someone a business card, I'll snicker.

P: who was at reception: students/profs?

E: both. a few students and a lot of profs. possibly DW, although I wasn't sure and didn't want to try to read his nametag. that would have been too obvious, I think.

P: no idea who DW is. shows why i'll never make an academic.

E: no reason for you to know. I had him as a prof in law school, he wrote recs for me for TUWSNBN. He'd have no reason to be there, so I'm assuming it wasn't him. Even though it really looked like him.

P: any one you tried on your B persona on?

E: not really. it was a small, loud room. I did steal a piece of pineapple from Random Prof’s plate, in an effort to fight the man. But I don't know that he even noticed, which rather defeated the statement.

P: who's the man? makes one wonder if the man does not notice stuff being stuck to him (btw, the bunny thing on sticking things to the man was hilarious), it matters or not?

E: that's what I was wondering. He probably just thinks it was weird. I thought it was funny. But then again, maybe I was just hoping to get thrown out for bad behavior.

Evicted from BPC. what a great blog title.

P: prob means i should brave the basement since it's nearly half past midnight.

just finished watching the ring and ring 2 and am now scared to sleep in the basement (i'm the only person in said basement)

E: that sucks. this is why I don't watch horror films.

P: me neither. but i couldn't avoid these. and brownies and ice cream were included and i'm a sucker for free food.

E: ah. that makes sense, I guess. We've been watching a lot of CNN, and I've been swearing at the tv every time the president appears. we had FNC on for about five minutes, but I threw something at the tv and we had to change the channel.


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