
Other? What other?

We don't usually quote The Weblog around here, but this was too good to pass up:

I hate the equivocal use of the term "the other." On the one hand, "the other" is good. Yeah! I love the Other! On the other hand, "the other" is BAD! Boo! "Othering" is bad! Marking someone as "other" is bad! But wait -- I thought that we were supposed to respect the other in the other's otherness. Perhaps Luther had it right: "Here I stand, I can do no other."

I hate how long I sat and thought about whether that last pun sucked too much. I was well aware that it sucked -- it's just the degree of it that I wasn't sure about.
And from another post, the heartwarming tale of elephants who paint for a living (read carefully for the ever-present connection to my hometown!)


At 2/28/2006 1:37 PM, Blogger Priya said...

Heh. That was too good to pass up. But, isn't our concern with othering (and it's NOT bad) rather than with the (definitive article?) Other?

Calling the various uses of "the other" equivocal is universalising it--and that is bad.

At 2/28/2006 2:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you hometown elephants are collaborating!

At 2/28/2006 2:17 PM, Blogger Priya said...

Those leftist elephants! Commie tendencies right there.

At 2/28/2006 5:29 PM, Blogger Elizabeth said...

Yeah, that Ohio communism. There's the real security threat.

At 3/01/2006 10:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Elephants a security threat...I love it!


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