
I hate conference submission season

I never seem to know when to quit. This year, I have submissions for:

1. A Boston Conference (two papers, one on West Wing, Arthurian myths, and political opportunities, the other on Doctor Who, biothreat, and First Contact)
2. BNC (Four papers, two of them new--memory and the First World War / Spanish Influenza, and public health blogging communities as academic enterprises--plus reworkings of the NE papers for a panel on pop culture and one on teaching IR and science fiction)
3. Other BNC (this September, Priya and I are doing a poster session of the blogging paper; no idea what I'm submitting for next year, but the proposals are due this summer. If I'm smart, I'll submit something that requires me to do serious work on the diss before September 2007.)
4. Three other small conferences, one on pop culture stuff, one on public health, and one in NYC on identity and digital technology.
5. I really *ought* to submit to British BNC, but can't think about it at the moment; same for a regional systems conference that I skipped last year and then got asked about.

Basically, the only one I'm missing is the big SDS conference in Europe this July. I can't teach and go to the conference, and I'll probably be too exhausted by the end of the month to get anything useful out of it. That's what I'm telling myself, at least. Otherwise I feel like a slacker because I *know* that I ought to be there, but I just couldn't bring myself to send something in.

[You knew those titles were temporary, right? Because of the whole "pretending to be anonymous" thing.]


At 6/02/2006 2:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow busying yourself to distraction again i see...lol

this site is getting odder and odder...what's with the "what we're talking about" blurb on the right...LOL

At 6/02/2006 2:59 PM, Blogger Elizabeth said...

but useful disctraction. Or so I tell myself. The blurb is our new tag cloud.


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