
Dissertation Greens

Rather than giving a long comment response to Priya's dissertating woes, I thought I'd post it. That way, we're actually talking about what we do (sort of) instead of any of the several topics we usually go on about.

1. I would like to note that we offered to open the futon, thereby turning it into a real bed. It was Priya's choice to sleep on it as a couch.

I have to point this out, because my mother has been known to read the blog, and I wouldn't want to be accused of being a bad host. Especially by my mother, who has guilt down to a fine art. Or possibly a science. Or, if we're following Foucault, both.

2. I myself have no trouble at all wandering off to work on something when visiting people. It's rarely something important, but still. Fanfic is sometimes (often?) much more exciting than being polite and friendly.

3. Um, yeah, maybe I won't leave Priya keys when she catsits next week after all.

4. Some of Priya's best friends are Republicans. She must have a whole group of friends I've never met.

I object to the assumption that lawyers have "ill-gotten gains." Some of those gains are quite legitimate. Also, there's this guy I know in NC that Priya should meet...

5. The wilds of Virginia are actually not that wild. S and I got lost in the wilds of Maryland last night. Much wilder. And the roads aren't any straighter than in Virginia. But there are fewer streetlights, a situation that I find distinctly creepy.

6. Ebay. It's all about ebay. You can buy things like (slightly used) toothbrushes and second homes on ebay. Also forklifts.

Okay, I really am going to get back to work now. I don't have any excuses like Priya.


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