
Filed under TMI

Yeah, I lied about the returning to academic whining. Instead, I found this over at One Bright Star

Things I've done:

[x] I've run away from home.
[x] Listen to political music.
[x] Collect comic books. (They’re graphic novels. There’s a difference.)
[x] I shut others out when I'm sad.

[x] I open up to others easily. (If it isn’t something important.)
[x] Am keeping a secret from the world. (Isn’t everyone?)
[x] Watch the news. (Well, BBC and the Daily Show. But still.)
[x] Own over 5 rap CDs.

[x] I own an I-Pod. (I love the ipod. I’d marry my ipod, but it would upset S.)
[x] Own something from Hot Topic. (I own many things from Hot Topic. It’s my third favorite place to shop.)
[ ] Love Disney movies.
[x] Am a sucker for hair/eyes. (And accents. And black leather pants.)

[x] I don't kill bugs.
[x] Curse regularly. (Loudly, and with great flair, if I do say so myself.)
[ ] Paid for that cell phone ringtone.
[ ] Have "x"s in my screen name.

[ ] I've slipped out a "lol" in a real conversation.
[x] Love Spam. (Well, I do. Even if I’m not sure what it is.)
[x] Bake well. (Latest recipes: Butter Tarts and Chocolate Palmiers)
[x] Have worn pajamas to school.

[x] I own something from Abercrombie. (It’s just a hat.)
[x] Have a job. (Two, actually.)
[ ] Love Martha Stewart.
[x] Am in love with someone. (Who says high school crushes don’t turn out well?)

[ ] I am guilty of tYpInG lIkE tHiS.
[x] Am self-conscious.
[x] Like to laugh. (Doesn’t everyone?)
[ ] I smoke a pack a day.

[ ] I loved Go Ask Alice.
[ ] Have cough drops when I'm not sick.
[ ] Can't swallow pills.
[x] Have many scars. (I have delicate skin. And I’m clumsy. It’s a bad combination.)

[x] I've been out of this country.
[x] Believe in ghosts. (Eh. Sort of. Let’s say I’m agnostic.)
[ ] Can't sleep if there is a spider in the room.
[x] Am really ticklish. (Unfortunately. It’s so embarrassing.)

[ ] I see/have seen a therapist.
[x] Love chocolate.
[x] Bite my nails. (Not nearly as much as I used to. Just occasionally, when I’m too freaked out about something to notice that I’m doing it.)
[x] Am comfortable with being me. (Most of the time.)

[ ] I play computer games/video games when I'm bored.
[x] Have gotten lost in my city. (It’s a requirement. I don’t feel like I’ve really moved in until I’ve been lost a few times.)
[x] Have seen a shooting star.
[x] Have gone out in public in my pajamas. (I once went to a job interview in my pajamas. Still got the job. They were really cute pajamas.)

[x] I have kissed a stranger.
[x] Hugged a stranger.
[x] Been in a fight with the same sex.
[x] Been arrested. (But not charged. I feel the need to make that clear.)

[x] I have laughed and had milk/soda come out of your nose. (Diet Coke. Not pleasant.)
[x] Pushed all the buttons on an elevator.
[x] Made out in an elevator.
[x] Swore at my parents.

[x] I have kicked a guy where it hurts. (He deserved it. He broke my glasses, I kicked him, we both got over it.)
[ ] Been skydiving.
[ ] Been bungee jumping.
[x] Broken a bone. (A couple of toes. Possibly my nose, once. And the neighbor kid’s collarbone, but I’m not sure that counts.)

[x] I have played spin the bottle.
[ ] Gotten stitches.
[ ] Drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour. (No. But I did drink a fifth of Goldschlager in an hour. Once. To win a bet. And a bottle of Jagermeister. That was a bad idea.)
[x] Bitten someone.
[ ] Been to Niagara Falls.
[ ] Been to Japan.

[x] I have ridden in a taxi. (The last time, I took my mom to Baltimore, and then got lost using the bus. We ended up at some hospital, and had to call a cab to get back to the studio we’d been looking for in the first place. In my defense, the reason we were on the bus was that the light rail line was closed and the conductor gave us absolutely crap directions.)
[ ] Shoplifted.
[ ] Been fired.
[x] Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back.

[ ] I have stolen something from my job.
[x] Gone on a blind date. (Hey, it was a free concert ticket. No harm in that.)
[x] Lied to a friend.
[x] Had a crush on a teacher/coach. (One of my history profs in college. I still do, but now it’s an academic crush, because the stuff he writes is fabulous.)

[ ] I have celebrated Mardi Gras in New Orleans.
[ ] Been to Europe.
[ ] Slept with a co-worker.
[x] Been married. (Sigh. Guess I’ve missed my chance to sleep with a co-worker. Oh well.)

[ ] I have gotten divorced.
[x] Seen someone dying. (Although I didn’t realize it at the time.)
[x ] Driven over 400 miles in one day. (More times than I can count.)
[x] Been to Canada. (See previous posts on this topic.)

[x] I have been on a plane. (Yep. And yet I still drive to Ohio and back.)
[x] Seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show. (Indeed. Complete with water pistol, toilet paper, newspaper, etc. Anything worth doing is worth doing well, I think.)
[x] Thrown up in a bar. (And ruined a perfectly good pair of shoes.)
[x] Eaten sushi.

[ ] I have been snowboarding. (No thanks. I can fall down without the help of sporting equipment.)
[ ] Been skiing. (See above.)
[x] Been ice skating. (Two words: pond hockey. ‘Nuff said.)
[x] Met someone in person from the internet. (1)His name was Matt. He was a DJ, his hair was growing back in after chemo, he was funny and smart and liked the Mighty Mighty Bosstones and the Barenaked Ladies and me. But my friends waited for him to show up, followed his car to the restaurant and freaked us both out, so it didn’t go anywhere.

2) Someone who came to meet a friend. We took her for a late-night hike and subjected her to many questions and some mud. She didn’t stick around long after that. But it wouldn’t have worked out anyway—who wears heels to go for a walk?

3) A group of people with a common interest. We went on a cruise and they were all great. One of the best vacations I’ve ever had.)

[ ] I have been to a motocross show. (Nope. But I did go to a tractor pull once.)
[x] Gone/Going to college. (And I liked it so much I’ve never left…)
[x] Done hard drugs. (No, I won’t say which ones. And those of you who already know, keep your mouths shut.)
[x] Taken painkillers.

[x] I have cheated on someone else. (Not recently.)
[x] Was so bored I took this survey. (Also, I’ve got a deadline coming up. So this was inevitable.)
[x] Have a tattoo. (Four. And I’m currently working on the design and trying to find an artist for the next one. I know what it’ll be and where I’ll get it, but I’m still working out the details.)


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