
evening at the ironworks

Up next for this half of PTSD (as E seems to be immersed in Friday night TV-watching) is wandering up (a bit) north of our beautiful city to the Small Press Expo, later this evening.

How am I ending up there, yous ask? Well, during the Neil Gaiman reading, those of us patiently waiting to have our various books* signed got invites to this gig. Now, it's not something that I'd usually do (not involving football, colonialism or SuperF) but watching people draw things seems to be as good a way to start the weekend as any other.

I shall report on it when I get back, laden with comics. Perhaps, I'll discover the "next best thing" and manage to sell my newly-acquired comic books for obscene amounts of money so that my grandchildren can enjoy the fruits of my labour.

For those (two) of yous interested in hearing about my regular teaching activities, yesterday I quoted Douglas Adams** at my kids. I told them that was the "Research Tip of the Week"***. I encouraged them to go off in search of DA and read some of his stuff so they can find out this whole "production of knowledge" lark cannot be taken too seriously and that absurdity is the best way to counter pomposity.

I also ended the class a bit early. I think the kids liked that part better.

* No body parts, as far as I could tell, were signed on this occasion. It may have well been because, as we were inside a church, those who wanted their bits signed were a bit wary of being struck by the wrath of God. Because, apparently, it's big in Israel not only among Neil Gaiman readers but also among Orson Scott Card readers.

From NG's blog once more (on Mr. Card's readers):

"'We asked Orson Scott Card when he was here,' one of them [the "astonishing number of young ladies who want their bosomry signed by authors"] sighed, wistfully, 'but he said as a good Mormon he could not sign any body parts.'"

** This one:

"Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so."
-- Douglas Adams.

*** To be curious. To ask questions. To learn from (and argue with) experts. We do live in the capital of the free world after all. I had said this to them on the first day of class but, based on fairly sound advice, repeated it again. Besides, this time I could tell them to read Douglas Adams as well (which, let's face it, all youngsters should read).


At 10/16/2006 4:27 PM, Blogger Elizabeth said...

Douglas Adams and comic books. I *love* academia.

At 10/16/2006 6:18 PM, Blogger Priya said...

Me too. Especially as I spent most of today talking about watching football/soccer in Thailand, Nepal, Australia, England and here and how I can call it "research"

At 10/16/2006 8:40 PM, Blogger Elizabeth said...

I miss all the good conversations. Bah.


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