
Hometown blogging, part two

Ohio blogging
Originally uploaded by omphale23.
This is what happens when I don't go out to the bar on Fridays--too much free time, not enough beer.

When I say that the hills and trees here in the DC area creep me out, this is why: I come from a place where the land is flat and covered in produce; it used to be a very large swamp, so it's not so good for growing trees and such. Even the rocks are flat.

We build little mulch hills in the front yards to make it look like we have interesting geography, but nobody's fooled.


At 7/03/2005 3:43 PM, Blogger Priya said...

Looks almost like Denmark. Add an efficient public transport system, a keen desire to follow rules and whinge (a bit) about immigration while being okay with non blond Vikings during re-enactments and there you have it. Ohio = Denmark.

At 7/04/2005 12:42 PM, Blogger Elizabeth said...

Yeah, we don't have a public transportation system.


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